Sponsored by the Ladies of Charity, this project will reach out to the less fortunate in our own community and to those in Appalachia (through St. Vincent Mission in David, KY). Angel tags, describing a needed gift, are placed on our tree and parishioners are asked to take the tags and provide the needed request. This is a wonderful way to experience the true meaning of Christmas.
Contact: Anita DeFrancesco at [email protected].
Our parish Easter Egg Hunt includes lots of children and families, a visit from the Easter Bunny, some face painting, sometimes a small raffle and 4000-5000 eggs filled with yummy candy.
Contact: Lynn Denisi at [email protected].
In the tradition of St. Alphonsus, the St. Aidan’s Lenten fish fry carries forward the award-winning excellence the parish and community have come to enjoy during Lent. Each Ash Wednesday, and every Friday during Lent, more than one hundred volunteers combine their efforts to create and provide thousands of fish dinners to the Wexford community and beyond. In addition to being part of the “Best Fish Fry in Pittsburgh” (Incline Magazine 2017) our volunteers find opportunities to have fun & make lasting friendships while serving the greater community and our Lord.
The fish fry is a seven-day-a-week effort so there are many roles and many times for interested volunteers to find a fit and join in. If you are interested in volunteering please email us at [email protected].
Saint Aidan Gardening Committee is made up of volunteers who share their time and skills as good stewards of God’s beautiful creation. Volunteers often “adopt” flower beds to plant and care for through the spring, summer and fall seasons. Participation in the spring and fall clean-ups is also most helpful.
St. Alphonsus grounds contact: Barb Griffith at [email protected].
First held at Swinderman’s Grove in the late summer of 1889, after the harvest of crops, this traditional annual parish event brings the entire faith community together. Delicious grilled chicken dinner, games, raffles and more are enjoyed throughout the weekend. Proceeds benefit our parish and Blessed Seelos Academy. For more information, please contact Lindsay Ries at [email protected].
Knights of Columbus’ local council serves four parishes in the North Hills region. They provide monetary support to various diocesan organizations, such as Saint Anthony’s School Program, the McGuire Home, and the T.R.Y. program. They also assist as Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, Greeters, or in other areas in the individual parish communities within their council region. For more information, please contact Ed Thomas at [email protected].
Ladies of Charity is an international organization founded over 400 years ago by Saint Vincent de Paul and Saint Louise deMarillac, dedicated to helping anyone in need. The local chapter has been active for over 25 years. In living the faith, they find ways to serve the needy, poor, or anyone who needs assistance. The group is funded by the poor boxes in the church and by private donations. They serve as Lectors and Eucharistic Ministers at funeral masses. They sponsor the annual Easter food drive, Thanksgiving food and baby needs drive and the Christmas Sharing Tree. They also fulfill requests for assistance in areas such as rent or medical bills, and visit the homebound. All requests for aid are held in the strictest of confidence. For more information, please contact Sandy Cognetti at [email protected].
The annual Saint Aidan Festival Festival provides rides, games, food, entertainment, sweepstakes and auctions for the parishioners of Saint Aidan and our friends and neighbors in the surrounding community. The purpose of the festival is to promote community at Saint Aidan, to communicate the viability of the parish, and to raise needed funds. The success of the festival requires the time, talents and treasures of hundreds of parishioners. Time commitment depends on the level of involvement. For more information, please contact [email protected].